Thursday, March 22, 2012


I love the sky's big and expansive...usually blue. Coming from the lush Willamette valley to the high desert of the Treasure valley is a big change. One that I celebrate every day, with or without wine. Life is good here once you get used to the smell of the onion juicing plant.
I spent my day off baking bread, grocery shopping and hanging out with my two favorite guys. Living here is simpler, less rushed, and happy. I have plenty to do. Plan a wedding, finish decorating not one but two houses, work, but I'm not crazy stressed here,  my attitude is more...get done what has to be done and the rest will fall into place.
I think Bruno enjoys the changes the most, his people aren't going nuts, I get to spend more time at home, Nick is actually starting to relax a little, and there is fresh bread, once a week. The smell of bread as it cools is something that really gets him to focus.

One of these days he is going to swipe at least one of those loaves right off the table, I just know it.

That tongue sort of gives his little plan away, he doesn't fool me! Angel dog my hinney! Future bread thief! Oh well if he does and it makes him happy I won't get too upset.

I really enjoy working the morning shift, it forces me out of bed so that I get to enjoy the sunrise. My walk takes me east so I can't miss it. I can't believe that I live in a place where I get to see this.

I hope your day is full of beauty and silly puppy faces!

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