Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Today is a very good day indeed. The "damned locust" tree is coming down as we speak! I couldn't be happier! Bruno is a little upset by the noise, poor guy, yesterday the new vet told him he's still too fat and now all this noise!

Fat and can't get a nap.The vet wants him to lose 10 more pounds, she should have seen him 32 pounds ago! Now if I could just lose 32 pounds!

I've spent a very good two days with the boyz, working on wedding stuff and getting things accomplished. Baby steps! Research! Action! Now there's a plan. We have finalized our guest list and put together an information letter, I even got them all printed and addressed! As soon as the tree guys are done we can head to the post office. Two big items off my plate.

I even found the perfect diy invitations online last night and the perfect wording! People say that knowing exactly what you want makes everything easier, I disagree. When you know exactly what you want, that's it. I don't want to be a Bridezilla but I know what I want...I just don't know where to get it! I'm figuring it out though and things are looking brighter.

I have to admit that I am the one getting in my way. I love blogging, I hate cruising the web. Searching endless web sites looking for things is torture! I'm also not really good about asking for help, again I know what I want, I just can't put it in words sometimes. So...this is really hard for me...does anyone know of a good online resource for quality paper and envelopes? Phew, I did it!
And the tree is down! It's only 101 days until the wedding now, two days ago that would have sent me over the edge, not today. Today I can take it.

I hope happy things are happening in your world today!

1 comment:

  1. Do you use pinterest? It is an awesome organization tool for ideas, diy, you name it. I can send you an invite if you want...let me know. My niece just did their whole wedding themselves and she used the site to organize all her ideas and resources.


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