Monday, March 26, 2012


Well if my computer will cooperate I might get this posted before Tuesday! I have 30 minutes! Any way I promised a surprise and here it is...sometime Sunday I passed 500 pageveiws! Yes Dad, Other people find some of what I have to say interesting. So I decided to have a little giveaway to celebrate! No it's not the heart rock I found in the's...

two original art print magnets, made all by my little self and a pair of Nick's hand made earrings! I might even throw in the heart shaped rock!! Oh, how do I win these lovely prizes Vana? Simple, just leave a comment or click on the join this site dealy boober over there on the side or follow by e mail. Easy peasy! No counting how many times I've used the phrase "poor Nick" or anything like that. Yes if you do both you get entered twice, leave more than one comment, even more chances and no, you don't have to comment on this post specifically. I will randomly choose a winner on April 7th.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by every now and then. It means alot to me!

Phew...11:50 pm...I just made it! Now just hit the publish button...Ha ha Mr. Speros, smart alec!

1 comment:

  1. Well lookie here, I'd never would have found you unless you found me. Thanks for stopping by and yes, I'll follow you too. Looking forward to reading more here.

    warm hugs
    Cotton Peony (the pillow lady)


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