Monday, February 27, 2012


Bruno the lap dog...he's alway so proud of himself when he does that! Luckily I had the camera right here! Well, the "army of one" sleighed the last piece of fence yesterday, as well as about 200 poorly laid pavers. He also finally comleted his compost bin and his worm box! That's where the whole sentances you never thought you'd say thing comes in.
So, while he was pulling out the bricks, Nick found 3 worms, let's call the Larry, Moe and Curly. He then informs me that he's going to put the worm box in the basement...I then inocently ask "What's going to keep them in their box and not crawling all over the laundry?" sentance one I never thought I'd say. Sentance two went something like this...we're having dinner and I realize while makeing said dinner I put garlic skins in the compost bucket under the sink, and I actually heard myself say "Do worms like garlic?" WHAT!! Well, I guess I'm getting the country life I wanted.
The supreme ruler of  BRUNOTOPIA. All hail the king. I think he's been secretly working out the landscape plans, Poor Nick, I'm not sure he knows what he's in for.

I think today I'll tackle these boxes in the library. After I post my blog everyday I look at all sorts of others, for inspiration and I get so jealous! All of these women have beautiful homes, so nicely decorated and so well put together. I can't wait until mine is like that, the day I can post a picture of a room all the way finished, furnished and put together! Well, sitting here won't make that happen, now will it?

Have a beautiful day!
(oh, and if you want some inspiration for your own cozy cottage check out my blog list over there on the right!)

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