Sunday, February 26, 2012


From that title you might think I'm a big Cheryl Crow fan...I'm not! That being said, there is alot of wisdom in those words. It's Sunday, and I guess I'm feeling a little reflective. I don't have all the things I want but, I do really love everything I've got. Our "new" house is old. Built in 1930 it's 6 years older than the post office here, and I swear there is dust that has been here at least that long, it's a little cold here sometimes, the heater is newer than the house but, it's still old, it works just fine. My house is strong...guess that's how I would describe it, and I think it's happy to be loved!
Bruno and Nick are both second hand as well. If you know us at all, you know that our silly little family is more important to us than anything! The three of us, Miss Jane, Papou, Papa Lee, Brother Corbin, Sister Maddy, Baby Cayden, and Parker. Bruno would also like to add crazy Leo and Brody the pit tank. There is no order of importance there, our family would not be whole with out any of them. I never thought I would be a grandma, I never had kids of my own, but, even though we aren't married yet Nick's two amazing kids are mine, and that little boy Cayden will only ever know that he is the luckiest in the world to have so many grandmas to love him! I couldn't be prouder of my weird little family!

We've been so busy loving this property, getting to know it and trying to put it together. It's sort of strange, when you take on a project like this, knowledge just sort of jumps in your head. I can't tell you how many times I've sat down to sew only to have my Mom whisper an easy or better way to do something. Or out shopping my Gamom will point me to a better deal that ends up working out better or Gapop helping me see the potential in the things we already have. It's happening to both of us. Nick has the fence project pretty much finished and has managed to reuse just about everything. Now he's on to composting bins with the left overs. He's threatenin to build a worm box like his grandfather had.
I've had this clock and crate for a very long time and never really loved them until now! Three bottles of .59 cent Jo-Ann's craft paint and a little time and now I have a spice rack and clock that I love that fits right in with my sweet shop kitchen. I keep having these visions of Cayden running into the kitchen to swipe a cookie, or more likely, me handing him one with the words" DON'T TELL YOUR MAMA!"


Wow! I just realized...not only do I want what I have...I have what I want!!

Have a beautiful Sunday!

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