Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I always think of Leap Day as a little bonus we get every four years. This year I'm going to use the day to finish up some projects and wrap my head around going to Great Clips for a job interview. I'm not really ready to go back to work but the old bank account says I must if I want to finish the house before the wedding.

The dreaded project list just keeps on growing and I'm afraid that if I go back to work nothing will get done. At least the house is only a 15 minute walk from the salon.
At least my kitchen knob project is almost finished. That's one thing I can cross off my list! and boy does that feel good. We're hoping that Nick has finally gotten the plumbing fixed. Ahhh the plumbing. He finally got the kitchen sink issue fixed, when the main shut off in the house started spewing water all over the basement. A call to the city to have the main on the street shut off, 57 strings of curses that I have never heard put together before and of course they don't make that any more. I actually sat down and cried. Poor Nick, hey wants so much for things to be perfect for me! I cried because it's hard to watch someone you love work so hard and get kicked in the teeth so many ways!
I'm so grateful for the Quonset hut. The world best out house!! Well, more plumbing news, as I was writing that last paragraph the water guy turned the water on and the water worked!! No leaks, until that is he pulled away now we have discovered that the pipe from the street to the house is leaking into the basement. What more can happen? I'm going to sign out and go try to pick up his pieces.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


My poor Nick. He woke up yesterday thinking that most of his big projects were finished. The fence is all done, he has a compost bin, Larry, Mo and Curly seem happy with the home he built for them. Just one more trip to Home Depot for new supply lines for the kitchen sink...famous last thoughts. Thank God we have a bathroom in the Quonset! The water in the big house has been turned off most of the last three days, but I think he has it figured out. I really hope so, he has been working so hard that his hands are ripped to shreds. This is the last big, nasty thing to do for now, after this I'm going to sweetly ask him to stop for a while and let his hands heal!
Speaking of sooner do I finish one...I add four or five more! My new project is to get rid of these horrible knobs in the kitchen!
Of course, after that, there's a dresser to re finish, a floral sofa that's the wrong colors and a wing back chair that needs help.

Some day soon I hope I'll wake up and think to myself, "Gee, this place looks great!" Until then I'll just keep adding to my to do list, at least I'm able to cross a few things off every day!

Have a beautiful day!

Monday, February 27, 2012


Bruno the lap dog...he's alway so proud of himself when he does that! Luckily I had the camera right here! Well, the "army of one" sleighed the last piece of fence yesterday, as well as about 200 poorly laid pavers. He also finally comleted his compost bin and his worm box! That's where the whole sentances you never thought you'd say thing comes in.
So, while he was pulling out the bricks, Nick found 3 worms, let's call the Larry, Moe and Curly. He then informs me that he's going to put the worm box in the basement...I then inocently ask "What's going to keep them in their box and not crawling all over the laundry?" sentance one I never thought I'd say. Sentance two went something like this...we're having dinner and I realize while makeing said dinner I put garlic skins in the compost bucket under the sink, and I actually heard myself say "Do worms like garlic?" WHAT!! Well, I guess I'm getting the country life I wanted.
The supreme ruler of  BRUNOTOPIA. All hail the king. I think he's been secretly working out the landscape plans, Poor Nick, I'm not sure he knows what he's in for.

I think today I'll tackle these boxes in the library. After I post my blog everyday I look at all sorts of others, for inspiration and I get so jealous! All of these women have beautiful homes, so nicely decorated and so well put together. I can't wait until mine is like that, the day I can post a picture of a room all the way finished, furnished and put together! Well, sitting here won't make that happen, now will it?

Have a beautiful day!
(oh, and if you want some inspiration for your own cozy cottage check out my blog list over there on the right!)

Sunday, February 26, 2012


From that title you might think I'm a big Cheryl Crow fan...I'm not! That being said, there is alot of wisdom in those words. It's Sunday, and I guess I'm feeling a little reflective. I don't have all the things I want but, I do really love everything I've got. Our "new" house is old. Built in 1930 it's 6 years older than the post office here, and I swear there is dust that has been here at least that long, it's a little cold here sometimes, the heater is newer than the house but, it's still old, it works just fine. My house is strong...guess that's how I would describe it, and I think it's happy to be loved!
Bruno and Nick are both second hand as well. If you know us at all, you know that our silly little family is more important to us than anything! The three of us, Miss Jane, Papou, Papa Lee, Brother Corbin, Sister Maddy, Baby Cayden, and Parker. Bruno would also like to add crazy Leo and Brody the pit tank. There is no order of importance there, our family would not be whole with out any of them. I never thought I would be a grandma, I never had kids of my own, but, even though we aren't married yet Nick's two amazing kids are mine, and that little boy Cayden will only ever know that he is the luckiest in the world to have so many grandmas to love him! I couldn't be prouder of my weird little family!

We've been so busy loving this property, getting to know it and trying to put it together. It's sort of strange, when you take on a project like this, knowledge just sort of jumps in your head. I can't tell you how many times I've sat down to sew only to have my Mom whisper an easy or better way to do something. Or out shopping my Gamom will point me to a better deal that ends up working out better or Gapop helping me see the potential in the things we already have. It's happening to both of us. Nick has the fence project pretty much finished and has managed to reuse just about everything. Now he's on to composting bins with the left overs. He's threatenin to build a worm box like his grandfather had.
I've had this clock and crate for a very long time and never really loved them until now! Three bottles of .59 cent Jo-Ann's craft paint and a little time and now I have a spice rack and clock that I love that fits right in with my sweet shop kitchen. I keep having these visions of Cayden running into the kitchen to swipe a cookie, or more likely, me handing him one with the words" DON'T TELL YOUR MAMA!"


Wow! I just realized...not only do I want what I have...I have what I want!!

Have a beautiful Sunday!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


AHHH...A nice sunny spot for the Bru! He loves hanging out in Brunotopia. Nick has been so busy trying to expand the boarders of Bruno's kingdom, and the army of one has succeeded!!
O.K. we know the place needs to be painted...and yes we have a plan...even if we don't get to the painting won't it be cute with window boxes across the front? Maybe one of my Mom's favorite flowers...nasty urchins...or as most of us call them nasturtiums.
The garage is my favorite building on the property. So rustic and charming, and it isn't ready to fall down like so many old out buildings you see! I am so blessed to have this place, and my two guys! I've only known two men besides Nick who are as hard Daddy and my Ga'pop... Guess I have to add Nick's dad Lee to that list...we have a plumbing project to take care of today and I know Nick wishes his dad was here to help. Boy do we have a long list of projects for Lee when he gets here!!!!
I want to finish my spice rack project as well as my favorite clock. Hopefully we can go get at least one dresser so we can at least get our clothes put away--Nick was just putting things away in the fridge thinking how much he was hurting when he nailed his head on the fridge door! His comment? "Now I really hurt from the tips of my toes to the top of my head!". -We had a country date last night, we went to the auction preview, that was a bust, then we went to dinner which was not a bust! WINGERS, good food, good service, really a nice time, and with out the Bru! After dinner Nick really had something special for me...KMART! He really knows how to show a girl a good time!!

Well, I'm feeling guilty just sitting here doing this...guess I should put one last coat on the spice rack so I can get it hung up...then maybe organize the laundry! Have a great day!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012


We're in our new home, it's been a week today. When I look around and see the things we've done to turn it into a home, I think, wow, we've done soooo much, then I look around again and think, what have we been doing for the last week!

That "couch" and coffee table are about our only furniture at this point (we do have a bed) and trying to put things away is hard. I've been busy making curtains for every window, that's really eaten up a big chunk of my time and Nick, bless his heart (southern translation...he aint to bright) has been outside fixing the fence, and playing with shiny things.
I won't bore anyone with all the before pictures. This is the only room that is really "finished", it's the entry way. these built in shelves are just one of the things that make this house so special. I finally have a place for all my treasures...yes I'm still looking for more! even though the shelves are pretty full.
This has been my little roost since we moved in...sewing hell. Yes that stack of fabric is all of my curtains...I finally, today, got the last curtain hung.
This is the dinning room curtain, my Mom was such an amazing seamstress, decorator and was so meticulous. Those are big shoes to fill, but I'm trying! I was thinking I was done sewing for a while but I'm thinking about making a stuffed chicken for the kitchen and even our Christmas stockings!
I'm feeling really guilty doing this instead of unpacking or painting my spice rack or...where to start. I'll put more of the after pictures up here tomorrow, or maybe later tonight, after we get home from the auction! Have a beautiful day and remember to tell those special people in your life how much they mean to you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Our super sweet little farm house, minus the farm, and yes, that's a "damned" locust tree in the front! I'm not sure what I want, or that tree gone! We want to replace it with a curly willow and we want our family and friends that come out for the wedding to help us plant it. What a great symbol of our life together!
If you've never bought a home let me just tell you, it's not all happy wet puppy kisses! It's a lot of phone calls, pieces of paper, trips to the bank, stress and headaches. This whole process of moving from Portland has actually given me shingles and that's no fun! It seems like every time we turn around someone has their hand out and wants more money that we were expecting to pay. Oh well, it's only money, and this is the home that we will build our best memories in. Our wedding reception in the yard, Thanksgiving, Christmas. For the first time in a long time I have a fireplace to hang stockings on, and places for at least 4 Christmas trees!!!! My G'mom(Mom's Mom) is sitting on her cloud in heaven jealous! Day off breakfasts and special dinners! I can't wait to be a real farm house wife! 
This is BRUNOTOPIA, a place where leashes and harnies are forbidden and kitty cats are like the guys in the black hats in the old western movies,and will be run right out of town before sundown! I think he's been watching way to much Daniel Boone on t.v. lately! It makes me a little nervous. Of course when he's not busy playing sheriff Matt Dillon to Nick's Festus, he'll be being Sgt. Schults! Big dog, big security! He's also convinced that the Quonset should be his dog house!

The outside of the house needs a lot of t.l.c. but the inside really only needs some cleaning and tons of furniture. So far I have named the yard and the Quonset will be called the Swamp, the house is nameless and that just won't do. If you have any suggestions please let me know, I just can't think of anything yet.

Well, if all goes well we'll be in there on Friday! No more motel! No more microwave food! No more stepping on each other!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Yes, that's Bru, and Yes, he's actually sleeping that way! Another day at the motel, on Tuesday it will be 2 weeks. We really thought that we'd only be here a week at the longest, we packed accordingly, big mistake. We have been to the laundry twice already and really should have gone today's Sunday...and we both have one more pair of clean socks left.

Yesterday Nick had to go over to our storage unit in Fruitland. He got on his bike and rode over the bridge to get Bruno his thyroid medication, in the "rain". While he was trying to remember where he had packed those pills he ran into my knitting stuff. Last week we went to my very favorite yarn store, White House Yarns, here in Ontario. The store is beautiful and the yarn is even nicer! It's located in the first house built in Ontario. When I walked up to the door I saw a sign...WE ARE CLOSING...what? That store was one of he biggest reasons I wanted to move here! Well I went in and did buy a few skeins of yarn but no needles. I guess the shock of finding a great yarn store, and having it close after I had only been in there once, sort of rattled me good. For those of you who knit, I know you understand what I was going through, 660 yards of yarn and no needles. When he told me he brought them to me, well, I almost cried! I did the only thing I could, I cast on a prayer shawl.
You can't really tell in the picture but the yarn is a rich eggplant purple that changes to a milk chocolate color and right now I'm working in a dark caramel shade. When I picked this monster skein up all I could see was the purple, the variegation was a big surprise but I like it. I think I'll keep this shall and put it in the Quonset so when we have guest they'll have something warm and full of love to wrap around their shoulders on a chilly evening. When I finish it I'll post more pictures and the pattern, hopefully in it's place of greeting in the Quonset!

We're meeting the heating inspector in the morning, hopefully that will all be good news. Just in case, if you're reading this, please say a little prayer for us. I can't wait to get in there and get some pictures. Your mind sort of distorts things. Like I can't remember what color the fireplace is, or the carpet. Buying a house is really something else. Hopefully tomorrow we'll know when we can move in there, and get out of here!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Today was our first day of rain, although I wouldn't call it rain, not by Portland standards. Just enough wet stuff to make things a little wet. The locals are baffled by,"all this rain" and the general consensus is,"at least it's not snowing".

Because it's "raining", and it's Saturday, and there isn't a lot to do, I've spent the majority of the day looking at blogs about home decorating and creativity. Trying to choose just one decorating style is hard for me, like them all. If I can find a way to incorporate them all, and make it all Bruno and Nick proof, keep it affordable, sigh.

If I just knew for sure that we have our house. I have unfortunately fallen in love with this little place! A cute little farm house type with a Quonset hut in the back. The Quonset is a one bedroom apartment that, if we can afford not to rent it out we want to use as a guest house. The big house is really a one bedroom, although the Realtor calls it a 2/3 bedroom, one bath. One of the "bedrooms" is really a library, just off the living room with a great wooden accordion door to separate the two. The other is in the basement with window issues. I don't have any pictures of it yet, we have an appointment to have the heater inspected at 9:00 Monday, I'll take some then. This house, built in 1930, has beautiful, original woodwork, a built in china hutch and best of all, no one ever painted the wood!

Going from a 2 bedroom house, to a studio apartment, to a 2 bedroom house with a guest house is a challenge. We don't even have a proper bed! I have 3 dining tables, no sofas no comfy chairs. I was hoping to find great thrift stores here but they really aren't that terrific. We did find out about an auction every Tuesday night and I found a flower/gift/antique store. I guess I'm being a silly girl but I want our house to be beautiful for the wedding! I'm hoping to have our reception there!!

Oh, just ramblings tonight, I just really want to start decorating my house! Didn't I say that last night? I'm thinking of doing my bathroom in lavender and chocolate brown. Need to keep in mind that my Nicky is a man and pink and white and all frills might have a negative effect on him.

I found this table at the flower shop/antique store and love it. I have a table that I want to refinish and I think this might just be the ticket. Not the colors, or the sunflowers, but something like it. I want things brighter, more whimsical. Sort of a cross between Mary Englebrite and Susan Branch. I also found this headboard,

this is a great deal! I just hope it's there when we get the keys to the new house. I can already see Nick and Bruno all cuddled up in it while I get up to make the coffee. Another big SIGH.

Oh well, the soonest we'll know is Monday, until then I'll keep surfing and dreaming. I'll let you know the different blogs I love for inspiration over there on the side.

Friday, February 10, 2012


That Little speck is the moon! Almost full, that was a couple nights ago, I might not be in Montana but the sky here is huge and full of stars. We go out every night together, Nick, Bruno and I, so Bru can potty before bed, and every night I look up at the stars and realize that I never saw the moon so big or the stars so bright in Portland. One of many miracles I've recently experienced. Our whole adventure has been peppered with them. Doors that we didn't even know were doors have opened just when we needed them to, things that have caused us stress before our move have resolved themselves just in time, we've met the right people, been n the right places and, for a change, been aware of whats been going on around us. I wouldn't say I'm a christian, most of the people who claim to be really need to look up the definition of that word, but I do believe in God, and I try to live my life in a truly christian manner. That being said I really didn't much believe in miracles, I can now say without reservation that small miracles do happen!

I don't know if it's the way I was raised or what but I do count my blessings every day. Some days are harder to to pare down to just a handful and some days it's hard to come up with 3. Two everyday blessings, my top two, are my two boys, Nick and Bru, they make me laugh, make me smile, support and love me every single day. I am so very lucky to have both of them in my life. My future Mother In Law, Ms. Jane is another constant blessing. I lost my Mom to lung cancer in 1997 and learned that a Mom has a very special place in a persons life. That place, which is a huge one, was very empty for a very long time, and then Nick decided we were serious enough that I should talk to his Mom. Ms. Jane, from that first phone call has treated me like a daughter. She has given me so much love. Some times blessings, like miracles, are disguised. Like the three of us living in a studio apartment for a year and a half. I don't honestly think that if we hadn't gone through that we could get along as well as we do in our tiny temporary home.

the Ontario Inn, our home for now
our tiny little room
This has actually brought us even closer together. The stress of buying a home, the hurry up and wait, the uncertainty of whether an offer will be accepted, all of those things can take a toll on the strongest relationships. For us, it has the opposite effect. Since there really isn't much to do right now we go for walks, we explore our new town, we plan the rest of our life and we wait for the phone to ring. Being new in town seems to give some people the idea that we can be taken advantage of. Of course I don't know that for sure and I don't want to look at everyone in that way but I am aware human nature, I think that's Portland talking, Portland where the golden rule was re-written: Do unto others before they can do it to you. Guess I'm still a little shell shocked.

I just need to remind myself that the world is a wondrous place and that everything happens for a reason. Our first offer on our house was not accepted, but we have agreed with the seller on a price, just so long as the furnace checks out. Our room is cozy and warm. We have only had three overcast days since we got here on January 31st. None of us have had any serious run ins with  the "damned" locust trees, ask any of the locals, they all call them the "damned" locust trees.

one of the "damned" locust trees

The same can not be said of the Russian Olive trees. At least we now know what they are, and more importantly, where they are. I would suggest giving those a wide birth. We are a little closer to having our dream house.

I can't wait to start decorating our new home, cooking again and getting back to normal. I think blueberry pancakes should be our first breakfast.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Nettie Mae was my great grandmother. Simple as that, she was a hard working, loving, beautiful woman who I loved and respected even though I really didn't know her that well, she passed away when I was 13, and my family might accuse me of romanticising or idealizing her life, but if I am please keep it to yourself. I didn't even know that her real first name was Nettie until this summer when my hero, my grandfather died, I knew her as Grandma Richards or Grandma. She lived in Payette Idaho, which is only about 10 miles from my new home in Ontario, and played a big part in our decision to move east(that and the fact that, in Portland Oregon we couldn't move far enough west to get away from the jerks without drowning)to the high desert.
We started planning our escape quietly in June or July. The Oregon coast sounded like heaven, I spent a very big chunk of my childhood there. Let me tell you,it's expensive and jobs are very hard to come by. Central Oregon has the same issues. We bought a big map of the state and lived with it on our kitchen wall,running over to it looking for places that had something to offer, a low cost of living, a job, low land prices, it was the same every evening around our place for quite awhile, check the map and then check the web. We fell in love with Sumter, but how to make a living? The idea of being snowed in and house bound with Nick and Bruno was beautiful, but love doesn't put food on the table. One day, while I was at work, Nick went on line and googled the company I was working for. There was a location in Bend, one in Redmond and one here in Ontario. We planned a trip out here to see what it was like in October. To say that, initially, we were underwhelmed would be an understatement, but we decided to give it a couple day to explore. Boy am I glad we did! This town is great for us, the people are friendly, the sky is blue, the town is flat and there is great coffee! So that was that, the decision was made, Ontario it is.

I gave my notice at work, we picked a date and we started packing. There were a few times when I asked myself if this was really the right thing to do. When I had those moments all I had to do was look over at Nick, I know that beside him is where I want to spend the rest of my life, and that when we work together to achieve a goal we can't fail.

So here we are, at the Ontario Inn, our temporary home, waiting to hear if our offer on our dream house is accepted. The proud owners of a newly acquired 1980 Datsan pick up truck. Two people and one dog who love each other and want to build our dream life together.